The best medications to improve cerebral memory and circulation

Can you cultivate a good memory? How often does she let you down at the wrong moment? Most people in the most diverse age group have these problems. The most common symptom of impaired brain function is memory impairment.

Memory impairment

Functions and memory types

The main function of memory is to play back events that have passed in the head. Continuous training and mental development enhances his capacity.

The human brain is capable of processing and remembering large amounts of information using the following types of memory:

  • visual;
  • motor
  • ;
  • sound
  • ;
  • gustatory
  • ;
  • painful.

Memory itself and its ability are influenced by: health status and brain activity. These indicators can be raised with the help of drugs, which also improves memory.

For all age categories, doctors usually prescribe different types of drugs.

Medications to improve memory at school age

Vitamin supplements will not only help students improve their memory, but will also contribute to a healthy and fulfilling school life.

The application will increase critical signals such as:

  • reducefatigue;
  • increaselevel of memorization;
  • concentrationattention;
  • assimilationof educational content;
  • perseverance
  • .

A medical professional should use the use of various vitamin complexes that determine the dose correctly, giving priority to natural preparations without the presence of impurities and dyes.

Regular consumption of the vitamin complex for memory will also increase:

  • levelstudent information;
  • Indicator
  • memorizing educational material;
  • indicator working on tasks;
  • Level
  • with concentration.

Which medicine is effective for the elderly?

Decreased level of neurons and nerve cells in the body leads to memory impairment. These changes are more characteristic for the elderly. Changes in the body occur when they reach 50 years of age, and the peak itself drops at about 70 years.

To maintain vital functions, with age-related changes, physicians are advised to introduce drug treatment. A large number of drugs represent the pharmaceutical market for memory enhancement.

The action of many drugs is aimed at improving and regulating metabolism, leading to increased efficiency, decreased stress.

In addition, the use of medicines leads to a reduction in the amount of stress, the restoration of normal Glycins and relief of anxiety, which restores the activity of brain cells and raises the level of memorization, while improving memory. .

Glycine or its modern analogue has been considered one of the most effective drugs for improving memory in the elderly for many years.

The drug has no side effects and is prescribed for the following changes:

  • nervous exhaustion;
  • with emotional fatigue;
  • with severe mental stress.

Medicine to improve cerebral circulation.

The comfort of life in youth and the clarity of the head in old age depend on the preservation and restoration of cerebral circulatory functions.

All drugs have a psychotropic function to enhance memory and have no mnemotropic function. In view of this, their action is aimed at altering blood circulation and all related processes. These include concentration and attitude.

Doctors prescribe nootropic drug medication therapy for circulatory disorders in all age periods, prescribing duration and effectiveness of varying lengths.

The technique and its application directly improve metabolic processes in the pathology of exposure to altered tissue in the cellular structure of the brain, without adversely affecting healthy tissue. These drugs stimulate mental activity in children and adolescents and the elderly.

Medications that activate and normalize blood circulation of blood vessels are divided into:

Medicine to improve cerebral circulationvasodilator group
  • ;
  • group of dissidents;
  • related to herbal remedies;
  • Nootropic drugs
  • ;
  • combined drug group.

Review of the best drugs

When there is a lack of oxygen, the human brain loses its effectiveness. This results in memory impairment, reduced concentration and distraction. Applying drug therapy can stimulate the brain to function properly.

All drugs in this line have a psychotropic function, as already noted. Their action is aimed at improving the blood and oxygen supply to the brain cells. It should also be noted that they do not affect memory quality.

Among the line of drugs that increase brain activity, the following can be distinguished:

  • Glicín. Its effectiveness normalizes sleep, relieves nervous tension, and increases mental performance. The drug is approved for use by children and pregnant women. It increases efficiency and helps students master the material quickly during the session period.
  • Phenylpiracetam and Piracetam. Promote the acceleration of oxygen delivery to neurons. Their action stimulates rapid breakdown of glucose, activating the function of thinking, improving vision and facilitating the assimilation of new information. They also have a broad spectrum of activity and help improve blood circulation by activating metabolic processes.
  • Doctors prescribe piracetam for diseases of the nervous system, if atherosclerosis and injuries are detected, in which memory impairment has occurred. It has some side effects, so it is recommended to take it carefully. Finotropil has a psychoactive effect and is aimed at improving memory and intellectual activity.
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid is prescribed to children from the age of three to increase mental development. The application is effective if speech disorders are detected, with heavy blood circulation in the brain and the consequences. Its action is aimed at normalizing the metabolic processes of the brain.
  • N-nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid sodium salt is intended to strengthen brain resistance during mental stress. It is widely used for vegetative-vascular abnormalities and the detection of acute cerebral circulatory disorders.
  • Ginkgo biloba dry leaf extract. It helps to improve blood microcirculation, get rid of the brain’s symptoms of oxygen starvation, and reduces: feeling dizzy, lazy while walking and tinnitus audibility. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Preparations for vasodilation

With negative age-related changes, the vascular system suffers and wears out. This pathology also affects brain function.

In this case:

  • ReducesI pay attention;
  • deteriorating memory;
  • impairedmotor function and coordination;
  • featuredfast fatigability;
  • presents problemsduring sleep.

The main focus of vascular drugs is to improve the blood supply to the brain. They are designed to normalize blood flow, activate metabolic processes in the structure of the brain.

In order for the vessels to be in good shape and differ in elasticity, it is necessary, in addition to drugs, the use of vitamins of groups P, C. Medicinal potassium, selenium and silicon are also useful for vessels. These drugs strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Preparations based on herbal ingredients

Herbal medicines are very popular, since they have no violations and when used, various side effects do not occur. Their action is aimed at stimulating blood microcirculation and preventing platelet adhesion.

The drug group includes:

  • ,containing periwinkle and ginkgo biloba;
  • to restore vascular tone, an extract of ginkgo biloba leaves and its analogs is prescribed.

Preparations for strengthening the walls of blood vessels

With the deterioration of the circulatory system of the body, serious vascular diseases occur. The weakened arteries, veins and capillaries are affected by many factors.

Next, this happens:

  • head crampsand pain;
  • dizzinessand fainting;
  • hearing lossand vision;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • jointsaches;
  • bleeding
  • and vascular networks on the skin;
  • increases cholesterol.

To avoid these symptoms, doctors prescribe drugs to strengthen blood vessels. Detralex designs them to have a beneficial effect on the body, giving tone to the walls of veins and blood vessels. The list of prescribed drugs includes vitamin complexes and the so-called venotonics group.

These include preparations containing:

  • rutoside;
  • troxerutid;
  • Diosmin
  • and gosperidin.

Natural-based medicines are also being added to the product line. If venous insufficiency is detected, diosmin, etc. is possible. , Require the treatment.

Antimicrobials and anti-condensing agents

Designed to improve tissue blood flow, normalize blood properties. Its spectrum of activity is thinning blood and rapidly coagulating. It promotes vascular remodeling and prevents bleeding. The work of anti-condensing agents is aimed at preventing heart attack and stroke. We include preparations containing acetylsalylicylic acid.

Antidepressantsare used to prevent and treat veins.

Both drugs thin the blood differently. Antidepressants act on the composition of the blood, preventing thrombosis, and are affected by anticonvulsant agents by binding and blocking receptors.

Homeopathic remedies

Use of this group by the drug does not equal the duration of intake. Its safety allows you to complete a full three-month course for daily use.

The safest are herbal preparations.

The most common ones to improve memory are:

  • Ola rois.Helps improve memory and concentration.
  • Standardized dry extract of ginkgo biloba leaves.

Prices for memory drugs

The price of this category of goods depends on the main component and the percentage of its contents. The pharmaceutical market is very large, so you can make a choice according to your preference in the existing local pharmacies and through specialized online store sites, after you have ensured the authenticity of the drugs.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that health care is above all else and, saving on this or that drug, we will save on our health first. A quality product that differs in price will give the best result in the fight against disease or just a small problem. In addition, the chances of getting a quick result on repeated good drug activity increases.

Remember that a problem like memory impairment and poor circulation is easier to prevent through prevention than cure for years. All you have to do is listen to your body and help it in time.